The Bugle

Oyez... Now hear this. Some messages from our local friendly Music Licensing Town Crier...


james's blog

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Just Testing ...

Wed, 09/21/2016 - 17:56 -- james

... that this works. Quisque pharetra purus felis! Sed gravida fermentum lacinia. Mauris dignissim, dolor et aliquet bibendum; tortor purus interdum metus, sit amet scelerisque tellus felis et ligula. Nunc consequat, magna quis tempor dictum, sapien sapien rutrum sem, id rhoncus leo massa sed ante.

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Performing Rights vs. Performers Rights

Wed, 07/01/2015 - 17:46 -- james
Musician Performing Rights vs. Performers Rights
The right to perform music in public is referred to as "Performing Rights"... unsurprisingly. However this should not be confused with PERFORMERS RIGHTS which refers to the protection of performers, which states "A performer (musician, actor, etc.) has an intellectual input in their performance over and above that of the author of the work". Confused? ... We're not surprised ;o/ 
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