Access Denied


We're truly sorry from the bottom of our musical hearts, but you are not authorised to view this page. As a community of music supervisors and music creators, we want you to have as much information about the sync opportunity that you are putting suggestions forward for. On the Opportunity page we post the licensing budget as a price bracket and describe the campaign in broad terms also giving the sector that the company is based. However our modus-operandi is such that we cannot make publicly available the specifics of a Job (i.e. Client Name, Product Specifics, Work in Progress Edits,) UNLESS you are happy to be bound by our Non Disclosure Agreement when working on sensitive projects, and only musicians and creative supervisors that we have developed a relationship with are able to view this information.

So what can I do?

  • 1. Check you are in fact logged in here
  • 2. Check you're a member of the "Inner Circle", i.e. have you signed our NDA & are you subscribed participant of the Remix Programme?
  • 3. If yes to both the above, but you're still seeing this message then please contact support via. your assigned A&R representative
  • 4. If there is no response from A&R (sometimes these annoying things called 'holidays' occur, disgusting I know) then contact

Can I still submit music for this job?

Absolutely!! We accept custom music & back-catalogue suggestions for any live deals that we have on the Opportunities Board here. And you can register and upload your suggestions here if its your first time. If you've already accepted our terms and provided your information then you can log back in here. If you're intending to create something specific or amend something from your back-catalogue but feel that we've left some general information off the brief, (mood or emotion, industry sector of client, duration, structure , instrumentation, duration, etc.) feel free to contact your A&R partner (the person who introduced you to Echo.) If there is no response then we'll do our best to field any queries on the address, but please bear with us as we are often swamped with requests, so bear in mind that your assigned A&R partner should always be your first port of call.

Why can't I see an edit, know the client name or what the job is for

If you're a member of the InnerCircle, you absolutely can. If you're seeing this then something is going wrong and please follow the "so what can I do" steps above. If you're not yet an InnerCircle member and you're interested in becoming more involved with Echo Music Licensing, the best way for us to start getting to know you as a CREATOR is by submitting your music to us or as a SUPERVISOR by licensing via. us on behalf of your clients, or ensuring your client's job is tagged with your id, don't worry, your split of the license fee is held in escrow until claimed. (N.B.// Some of the bigger agencies have many different supervisors, so the opportunities are tracked on a per-job basis. If you're just recommending us and not actively supervising on a music brief then make sure your client is using your affiliate link if they are licensing direct, if you feel you're introduced them but aren't getting your split of the sync fee on distribution then email us immediately with the subject line "UNCLAIMED".)

A final note...

We ask that you please bear with us, our goal here at Echo is to have a flat hierarchy and transparent methods but we must also pay due diligence to our clients needs with respect to keeping their corporate information secure until their Campaign is launched. After all, not that we don't trust you of course, but believe it or not, there are some less than scrupulous chaps out there in the great digital beyond and it wouldn't very well do to have a Morrisons Christmas advertising campaign offering 15% off Brussel sprouts in production leaked to Tesco's and them launch a 20% off sprouts campaign days before our client now would it... see we knew you'd understand!?!

About Echo Music

Music licensing, creative supervision, we are the discovery platform for breaking artists. What's different about us? We're a community and as such use crowd-sourcing technology to ensure precision curation of our catalogue. Using an ever evolving vocabulary of music, all our songs are rated and reviewed not just once, but over and over, and by genre specialists. Giving us a highly curated & quickly accessible catalogue.

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